The Key Stage 1 unit
Smooth transitions, making a positive start
At Orgill Primary School we work hard to ensure that the transition from Early Years to Year 1 is as smooth as possible for the children. Whilst there is an inevitable shift in expectations and routines we ensure that the Year 1 environment is set up in such a way that it provides continuity but also progression. Time is spent towards the end of the Early Years familiarising children with the changes to come and our Key Stage 1 staff ensure they are building relationships with the children well before September comes.
We treasure every child in our unit and each is an individual in our eyes. We foster a love of learning and build on prior successes supporting the children in our care to become independent, self-motivated learners.
Our Key Stage organisation
This year we have one year 2 class that is taught by Mrs Schofield. We have one year 1 class that is taught by Mrs Pater. Two Teaching Assistants, Miss Brereton and Miss Gibson, work alongside the teachers and between us we offer a warm, nurturing and purposeful environment.
Our environment
Children experience their learning in newly refurbished learning areas which are well resourced to meet the needs of the children and the requirements of our curriculum. Every child has their own storage box for their coat, PE kit and other personal belongings.
The teaching team ensure the environment is inspiring and encourages positive attitudes to learning as well as promoting independence, a vital area of development for children of this age.

Snacks, milk and school dinners
Our Key Stage 1 children are provided with a free piece of fruit each day and have access to water throughout the day.
All Key Stage 1 pupils are entitled to Universal Free School Meals. If parents or carers are in receipt of any form of State Benefits it is essential you still apply for Free School Meals through the council as this entitles your child to additional funding in the form of the pupil premium. Each term a menu is sent home with every child. Children should select which of the two meals they would like each day. If any changes need to be made to your child’s menu, please do not hesitate to contact school. All of our meals are cooked daily on the premises and meet the current guidelines for nutrition in schools. In addition to the choice of two hot meals, soup and a well-stocked salad bar are available daily.
Milk can be provided and can be paid on a weekly or daily basis. If your child wishes to have milk at break-time, you need to register with