Showcase Events
Our free, remote, Showcase Events offer an opportunity to share best practice in phonics teaching.
As part of the online session, you will have the opportunity to:
- see high quality phonics lessons in action
- listen to speakers, including our English Hub Lead, and Strategic Lead
- receive input in relation to development of early language & the enjoyment of reading
- consider school implications, implementations and impact, as well as provide opportunities for school leaders to find out more about the support offered through the English Hub
Once you have attended a Showcase Event, you will be asked to complete a Showcase Response form which is your opportunity to reflect on what you have seen and heard and make a request for further support from the Hub. We will use the information given on these forms to prioritise schools for intensive support and funding.
Headteacher attendance at these events is compulsory if you wish to be considered for funding or support. The events are also open to senior leaders and reading leaders. There is a maximum of two attendees per school.
Supply cover up to the value of £100 per attendee can be paid if your school meets two of the following criteria:
- Lower than average percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in the Phonics Screening Check. 82% in 2019.
- A higher than average proportion of pupils reading below age-related expectations.
- A higher than average proportion of children eligible for pupil premium. In 2018/19 the national average was 22.9%.
- Ofsted judgement of Requires Improvement or Inadequate.
- A high proportion of groups considered hard to reach such as EAL, FSM, travellers etc.
- Schools referred by local partners such as LAs, NLEs and RSCs.