Pupil welfare
Key Person
We want every child in our school to feel happy, safe and confident so we strive to create an environment that is welcoming and nurturing. We recognise that for some children and parents, joining a new setting can be a worrying time. We believe that children settle best when they have a key person to relate to, who knows them and their parents well, and who can meet their individual needs. Research shows that a key person approach benefits the child, the parents, the staff and the setting by providing secure relationships in which children thrive.
The key person role is set out in the welfare requirements of the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage September 2014.
A copy of our Early Years Key Person policy is available from the Early Years cloakroom area, if you require more information.
Orgill Primary School takes its responsibility for safeguarding children very seriously. Pupil welfare is of paramount importance to us and we recognise the contribution that we make to keeping them safe. We demonstrate this commitment by:
Creating and maintaining a school ethos where children feel safe and secure;
Creating and maintaining a safe and secure physical environment;
Developing a school curriculum which equips children with the skills they need to keep themselves safe;
Ensuring that children know what to do if they feel worried or unsafe;
Taking appropriate action to protect children when recruiting new staff;
Providing staff with a high level of training to ensure that they are able to respond to safeguarding concerns in an appropriate and sensitive manner;
Working in partnership with other agencies;
Supporting parents and families.
The designated member of staff for safeguarding in the Early Years is Miss Thornbery. A copy of our parent leaflet on safeguarding is available in the Early Years cloakroom. Our full safeguarding policy is available to read on our website.
Intimate Care
Some children who attend our Early Years require help and support with some aspect of their intimate and personal care. We are committed to ensuring that all staff responsible for the intimate care of children will undertake their duties in a professional manner at all times.
You will be asked to sign and intimate care consent from when your child enters our Early Years unit. This gives staff your agreement to change your child in the event of a toileting accident.
A copy of our Managing Intimate Care policy is available from the Early Years cloakroom area, if you require more information.
First Aid/Medication
All staff within our Early Years unit are first aid trained. Some have the Emergency First Aid in Schools qualification; others have a more specialised Paediatric First Aid certificate. The unit also has its own well stocked first aid box. Children may occasionally have little bumps and falls while engaging in their play. Staff are well equipped to deal with these and you will be informed when collecting your child if they have received any form of first aid treatment.
Collection from School
Orgill Primary School is committed to the safeguarding of all pupils from the moment they arrive in school until the moment they leave. The procedures for collecting two year olds; nursery children and reception children have been outlined in the relevant sections above and will be discussed with you before your child attends Orgill Primary School. A copy of our collection from school policy is available from the Early Years cloakroom area and available to read on our website.