Health and Wellbeing
Opportunities and Events happening for Parents
The Solihull Approach have released some free courses that can be accessed by parent. The code to access the courses is: WORDSWORTH.
Parents/carers/grandparents/young people etc courses:
- Understanding pregnancy, birth and your baby
- Understanding your baby
- Understanding your child
- Understanding your teenager's brain
- Understanding your child’s feelings
- Understanding your child with additional needs
- Understanding your relationships
- Understanding your brain (for teenagers only!)
- Understanding your feelings (for teenagers only!)
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Ongoing support and advice for children and families
We care about the wellbeing of you and you child, not only because we want to remove barriers to learning, but also because you’re part of our school community here at Orgill.
At some point in our lives we will all struggle with keeping ourselves mentally healthy. This can be as a result of something that has happened to us as an individual, or something that happened to us as a community. Sometimes our mental health can take a down turn unexpectedly, out of the blue. Asking or searching for help is not a sign of weakness, it’s a way of helping yourself or those you care about. Seeking help and support is resilience and strength.
If you feel that you or someone close to you needs immediate support you can
call the Samaritans on 116 123
text the word SHOUT to 852258
or find your local crisis team number online at Mental Health Helpline for Urgent Help - NHS (
If you feel that you or someone around you is in immediate danger call the emergency services on 999.
Otherwise, take a look at these resources for support and advice
There are many different aspects to consider when looking into health, and a healthy mind often goes hand in hand with a healthy body. Sometimes we have look at the whole picture; that usually begins with talking.
Talking through feelings and changes with your child or another adult is a really healthy thing to do, but it’s not always easy, especially if it’s new to you, or something challenging has happened.
Here is a link to help you get started: Start with talking;
Talking Mental Health (subtitled) - YouTube
Perhaps, together you can identify what may be causing or adding to the problem. Here you will find lots of links to the experts, who can hopefully set you up for a better day tomorrow.
If you can’t find what you’re looking for here, you are not sure, or you’d prefer to speak to us in person about something you’re struggling with please don’t hesitate to give us a call at school.