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Orgill Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve


Year 3/4


In a state – solids, liquids and gases

Children will learn the characteristic properties of solids, liquids and gases, first through physically exploring typical materials and then by classifying examples, such as powders and very viscous liquids.  Using first-hand experience and secondary sources, they will learn about changes of state and begin to understand freezing and boiling points as identifying characteristics of a material.


Who were the Anglo-Saxons and how do we know what was important to them?

This investigation enables children to reflect upon a number of the most significant changes that occurred in Britain during the first half of the Anglo-Saxon era. Initially the children examine the evidence as to why the Romans withdrew from Britain in the fifth century, and in particular the growing aggression of Barbarian tribes in Europe which culminated in the Sack of Rome in AD 410. Children then explore who the so-called Anglo-Saxons were, from where they originated and why their invasion and settlement was a relatively straightforward affair

Design and Technology

Static electricity

The children are introduced to static electricity.  The will observe the effects of static electricity on objects such as plastic straws, tissue paper and glitter.  They will then consider ways of using static electricity as part of a simple game that they will make.


Real or Fake – the children will learn that just because something is shard on the internet, doesn’t mean it is true and that they should check who has written something before they decide if it is true.


Cricket - cricket lessons with Cumbria Cricket coach.

Mighty Movers - boxercise


Christianity – Easter

The children learn to understand how Jesus’ life, death and resurrection teaches Christians about forgiveness.


Economic Well-being

The children will understand the factors which can make something good value for money, as well as other factors that affect purchasing decisions, understand how to keep track of money and why that is important, understand ways in which we can lose money and the range of feelings associated with losing money, understand that there are a range of influences on job choices and that these can be positive or negative.

