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Orgill Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve


Year 6


The Nature Library

The children build on their knowledge of living things from previous years and deepen their understanding of why and how organisms are classified.


Why did the ancient Maya change the way they lived?

The children investigate different aspects of the Maya civilisation of Central America, which reached its zenith around ad 900.

Art & Design

Art History Independent Project

The children explore a specific period of art history and create a presentation of their findings to peers. They also recreate a piece of artwork from an artist who created art in the style they have researched.


Film Music

The children identify how different styles of music contribute to the feel of a film and work up to creating a musical score to represent a composition.


Striking and Fielding

The children develop throwing and catching techniques to successfully play Rounders.

Dynamic Dance

The children will identify and practise the patterns and actions in a street dance style.


Islam – What is the best way for a Muslim to show commitment to God?

The children learn about and compare the different ways Sikhs put their religion into practice.


Family and Relationships

The children explore the meaning of respectful relationships, challenging stereotypes, resolving conflict and change and loss.

