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Welcome to

Orgill Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve



At Orgill Primary School we use a mastery approach to teaching the National Curriculum. We have adopted a programme called Maths- No Problem! 


Teachers plan learning opportunities that develop children’s:

  • mathematical fluency (rapid and accurate recall and application of facts and concepts)

  • mathematical reasoning skills

  • ability to apply maths to solve problems, to conjecture and to hypothesise


Some of the principles that underpin our approach to the teaching and learning:

  • We believe anyone can be a mathematician with effort and resilience. We reject the idea that some people ‘just can’t do maths

  • Pupils are taught through whole-class interactive teaching, where the focus is on all pupils working together on the same lesson content at the same time

  • We believe in ‘keep up, not catch up’ - pre-teaching and post-teaching sessions

  • In a typical lesson pupils sit facing the teacher and the teacher leads back and forth interaction, including questioning, short tasks, explanation, demonstration, and discussion

  • Procedural fluency and conceptual understanding are developed in tandem because each supports the development of the other


Children are considered to have achieved an end of year expectation when learning is deep, secure and adaptable.

