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Welcome to

Orgill Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve


Accessing support from our Hub

There are opportunities for all schools to become involved in the work of our English Hub, regardless of level of need. 


Any school can attend a Showcase Event and go on to access non-intensive support in the form of networking events and training. 


For more intensive support, we prioritise schools using a set of criteria provided by the DfE.  This is to ensure that the highest level of support goes to schools that are in the greatest need, particularly those with high numbers of disadvantaged pupils.


A self-referral system is in place for schools who wish to connect with us.  The link for our referral form can be found below.  If you would like to chat to a member of the Hub team prior to referring your school, please use the email address below to request this.


Schools can also be referred by various local partners including Local Authorities, Multi-Academy Trusts, National Leaders of Education and Regional Schools Commissioners.  We welcome engagement with any agencies involved in school improvement.


We encourage all schools interested in finding out more about the opportunities, CPD and resources available to make contact with us to discuss this in more detail. 



