Our School
Orgill Primary School, following the amalgamation of the previous infant and junior schools in 1998, is located on the site of the previous junior school and has been extended and remodeled since the amalgamation. The school has extensive grounds, including large grassed playing fields and areas of woodland, two playgrounds and a quiet area with shelter.
The Early Years Foundation Stage is a large unit with five teaching areas, its own cloakroom and toilets. It has a large outdoor play area, extensive grassed areas, woodland and willow house. Our provision for 2 year olds is self contained with its own entrance, toilets and outdoor area,
Key Stage 1 consists of three classrooms with access to a small teaching room for small groups to work in. Key Stage 1 children have their own toilets and areas for storage of their coats and other belongings.
Most of Key Stage 2 is on the upper floor and part of the lower ground floor and has been remodeled and renovated, producing bright and spacious working areas. It consists of six classrooms and has additional teaching spaces for the withdrawal of small groups. Key Stage 2 children have their own cloakroom areas in which to keep their coats and belongings.
The school has its own kitchen where food is freshly cooked on the premises and a large hall where children eat lunch, have PE lessons and take part in assemblies.