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Orgill Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve


Accelerator Funding

We are pleased to announce that Orgill English Hub are now able to support schools through the Accelerator Fund through 2023-2024.


We can provide funding through the Accelerator Fund to Mainstream Primary Schools, Infant Schools, Junior Schools, Alternative Provision and Special Schools.


What can we offer?

  • an audit of your current early language and phonics provision
  • up to 3 days of Literacy support
  • up to £6000 funding for validated SSP training and resources.

Choosing a phonics teaching programme - GOV.UK (


Assess your eligibility.  Do you meet any of these criteria?

  • Lower than the national average percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in the Phonics Screening Check in their most recent results.
  • A higher-than-average proportion of children achieving below age-related expectations in reading.
  • A higher-than-average proportion of children eligible for the Pupil Premium.
  • An Ofsted judgement of Requires Improvement or Inadequate.
  • A high proportion of groups considered hard to reach, such as English as an Additional Language, Free School Meals, Traveller Children, etc.
  • Schools referred by local partners (e.g. National Leaders of Education, Regional Schools Commissioners, EIA teams/boards).


The English Hubs can also fund schools who:

  • Have Ofsted ratings “good” or “outstanding”, but whose English practice indicates a risk of declining standards.
  • Have a Pupil Premium percentage equal to or below the national average.
  • Have children at Key stage 1 and 2 but who do not complete the Phonics Screening Check.

If your school is interested in applying for Accelerator funding, please fill out the form below. Someone will then be in touch to arrange an audit. From there we can work out the best support package for your school.


