Parent partnership
At the start of every academic year, parents are invited to meet all the staff in your child’s unit, where the following academic year will be outlined and any queries answered. This is followed up by an opportunity to meet your child’s teacher individually, to find out how your child is settling into their new year group. After Christmas and Easter, we will send out pupil progress reports which will explain how your child is performing against age expectations and we may invite you in for a meeting to discuss any concerns we may have. You are also free to make an appointment with us to discuss any concerns you may have. We are often available if you wish to discuss any matters with us in a less formal manner. If you have difficulty catching your child’s teacher before or after school, please do not hesitate to contact school to make an appointment.
At the end of the school year, you will receive a written report about your child.
Home Learning
We use an online resource called MyBookBlog in all KS2 classes to develop our children’s reading skills, as well as fostering and encouraging a love of reading and to encourage them to read more widely for pleasure.
The activities on MyBB encourage children to blog about their thoughts and feelings and explore the books’ subject matter. The activities also support them to fully comprehend the text they are reading and learn new vocabulary.
The link for accessing MyBB at home is:
All children will bring their spelling log home every day. Please encourage and support your child in learning and practising the spellings they have written in there. These spelling logs need to be brought back into school each morning too.
We encourage our children to practise their times tables and number skills at home frequently by logging in and using Times Tables Rockstars and Numbots.
Family Support Worker
Our Family Support Worker, Mrs Joanne Gilmour, provides advice and support for parents and carers with many issues which may impact upon a child’s ability to learn such as attendance, health and special educational needs. Please come in and speak to her if you feel that you need support.