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Welcome to

Orgill Primary School

Dream, Believe, Achieve


Health and Well-Being Champion

Hello, my name is Hannah Sutton and I am the Health and Well-being Champion here in school.

My role in school is to provide pupils with the guidance and emotional support they need to achieve in school as healthy, happy self-reliant individuals.

I am able to proactively support well-being throughout the school by promoting initiatives aimed at all of our pupils. I can also provide individual support to pupils who are facing life challenges, that detract from their ability to engage with learning.

I have been trained, and continue to be supported by educational psychologists. I am able to deliver programmes of support to pupils who are experiencing temporary or longer term additional emotional needs.


Children may for example receive support to;

  • recognise and manage their emotions, including anger management
  • raise their self-esteem,
  • social skills including improving peer relationships, and friendship skills
  • recover from significant loss or bereavement,
  • resolve conflict effectively
  • healthy coping strategies

The majority of targeted support received by the children is fulfilled as my role as an ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) and as a Drawing and Talking therapist and Lego therapist.  Most initiatives are individual and build on the relationship of trust that is developed between the pupil and myself. Some skills will be enhanced through small group work, particularly social and friendship skills.


Whole class work is covered by my role as a Kidsafe Tutor, and can help keep the children safe in aspects such as;

  • bullying
  • building trusting relationships
  • computer/internet safety
  • keeping our body and our private places safe
  • parents/carers arguing
  • mental health awareness 


I am also a trained Mental Health First Aider and Place2be Mental Health Champion.

How to get in touch:

If you have any further questions, or if you feel your child could benefit from any of the above support please don’t hesitate to contact me via the school office on 01946 820234, or email  me on  I will be happy to advise you and discuss our school's strategies further.

