Year 1
Using Our Senses
In this module children develop their knowledge and understanding of the human body, building on their early experiences during Foundation Stage. They identify and name simple parts of the body, as they draw and label a life size version of themselves or a class mate. The children are introduced to the concept of five senses that help them to find out about the world around them and link those senses to particular parts of their body. Each sense is explored by children as they answer a variety of science questions.
Why don’t penguins fly?
This enquiry focuses on the natural environment and places where there is little or no human presence. Through a number of engaging stories, pupils are first introduced to the continent of Antarctica and are able to locate it in relation to all the continents and oceans of the world. Antarctica is the coldest, windiest and driest place on Earth and as such provides a real comparison to the environment of the pupils’ local area. Through the study of hot and cold areas of the world (and the reasons why these places are located where they are) pupils are able to understand why Antarctica is so cold and dry. The concept of a desert is developed through a comparative study of the Sahara Desert and pupils are able to consolidate their understanding of adaptation by comparing the life of Emperor Penguins with that of Camels.
Art and Design
The children explore Antarctic landscape art and design and produce their own pieces of this kind of art.
Cool Core
The children learn about some of the changes that occur during exercise and develop skills and techniques such as: supporting body weight on hands using core muscles, perform a wheelbarrow with a partner, perform a plank and back support and front support.
Christianity – Easter Palm Sunday
Pupils are learning to know that Jesus is special to Christians and how His welcome on Palm Sunday shows this.
Economic Well-being
The children will learn different ways to keep money safe, the role of banks, that people may make different choices about spending or saving and that a range of jobs exist in school and that different skills are needed for these jobs.