We have followed operational guidance provided by the Department for Education, taking action to minimise the risk of transmission of coronavirus in school. This includes public health advice, endorsed by Public Health England.
PHE advice remains that the way to control this virus is with a system of controls in school. This is a set of actions that we must take, grouped into 'prevention' and 'response to any infection'.
We must always:
1. Minimise contact with individuals who are required to self-isolate by ensuring they do not attend school.
2. Ensure face coverings are used in recommended circumstances.
3. Ensure everyone is advised to clean their hands thoroughly and more often than usual.
4. Ensure good respiratory hygiene for everyone by promoting the 'catch it, bin it, kill it' approach.
5. Maintain enhanced cleaning, including cleaning frequently touched surfaces often, using standard products such as detergents.
6. Consider how to minimise contact across the site and maintain social distancing where possible.
7. Keep occupied spaces well ventilated.
In specific circumstances:
8. Ensure individuals wear the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) where necessary.
9. Promote and engage in asymptomatic testing.
Response to any infection
10. Promote and engage with the NHS Test and Trace process.
11. Manage and report confirmed cases of coronavirus amongst the school community.
12. Contain any outbreak by following local health protection team advice.
To welcome all pupils back to school we have:
- Reviewed and updated our risk assessments to reflect changes in guidance and the increase in the number of pupils in school.
- Ensured that we are following the system of controls set out in Department for Education guidance to minimise the risk if infection.
- Ensured that we have contingency plans in place for possible outbreaks in school or changes in restrictions.
Pupils who are clinically extremely vulnerable:
Current advice is that all pupils should attend school unless specific medical advice is in place advising against this. Remote learning will be provided for any pupils who are advised by a consultant not to attend school at the present time.
Lateral Flow Device Testing
In order to reduce the risk of transmission of coronavirus, all school staff are carrying out twice-weekly lateral flow device testing at home. This enables us to respond quickly in the event that a member of staff carries the virus without symptoms.
Remote Learning
Whilst our pupils are back in school, we continue to have the capacity to offer immediate, high quality, remote education in the following circumstances:
- Where pupils have been advised that they are clinically extremely vulnerable and should not attend school, by their consultant.
- Where pupils have tested positive for COVID-19 and are well enough to engage with remote learning.
- Where Cumbria Public Health advise that close contacts of positive cases isolate for 5 days and engage with PCR testing before returning to school and parents choose this as an alternative to daily LFD testing.
- Where the school is affected by a Remote Education Temporary Continuity Direction which limits the pupils attending school.
Every child from reception to Year 6 has been provided with a tablet to support their learning at home and we are able to provide internet access for those families who do not have it.
Our Remote Learning Plan sets out what remote learning looks like for our pupils and how we will support our families in balancing the need for remote learning with their own need to work and manage day to day life.
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Useful information
Here you will find the latest guidance from the government.